Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Temperature Update - August 2018, GISTEMP

Quick and dull update for GISTEMP.

GISTEMP has the anomaly for August 2018 at 0.77°C, making this the 5th warmest August on record.

August was almost identical to July's 0.78°C, and 4 of the months this year have been between 0.75 and 0.78°C, and all but two month have been within a 10th of a degree of each other.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Temperature Update - August 2018, RSS

The Remote Sensing Systems satellite temperature data set (RSS), puts August 2018 at 0.504°C above the 1979-1998 average. This is down about 0.13°C from July, but closer to the rest of 2018. This makes 2018 the 6th warmest August on record.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Temperature Update - August 2018, UAH

A quick update from Dr Roy Spencer with the UAH satellite data for August. This was 0.19°C above the 1981-2010 average, down from 0.32°C last month, closer to most of the year's anomalies, suggesting July was a bit of a spike in the satellite data. This makes 2018 the 9th warmest August.