Piers Corbyn has given the world his thoughts on Professor Brian Cox, after his discussion with Senator Malcolm Roberts.
In what Piers describes as Hot News
on his website he mentions a must watch
video, showing
Piers Corbyn Video trashing lies on TV by Brian Cox the Climate Conspiracy theorist
What I found amusing about this, is Piers Corbyn using conspiracy theorist
as an insult.
Piers Corbyn who writes things like
THE REASON is that the CO2 CON - the false and fraudulent theory of Man-made Climate change is VITAL IDEOLOGICAL GLUE which holds together the deindustrialisation and asset-stripping of the UK, USA and EU under the 'green' rampant #WallStreet globalisation agenda;
Which forces up food and fuel prices worldwide under CO2 taxes, handouts for stupidity like wind farms and burning food for biofuels in the name of saving the planet;
Which boosts the failing #WallStreet multi-national corporations and their agents Obama and Clinton and Blairite-Cameron 'Labour'-Tories back up into world-plunder under cover of green happy-clappy 'SaveThe Planet' Agenda 21 and all the NewSpeak trade deals and local, regional, national and international diktats #EU-#UK-#TTIP-#EUETS and the list goes on.
The video in question is part of Windows on the World, hosted by Mark Windows.
The about page of Windows on the World insists it doesn't present conspiracy theories - Windows on the world only reports news backed up with facts. We constantly prove that the mainstream are spreading conspiracy theories.
But includes videos with titles such as:
- False Flag Terror in Europe
- Jo Cox MP Death, EU Remain Blairite Coup
- Saudi and Israeli funding of 911
Here's the video.
Piers doesn't mention any conspiracy he thinks Brian Cox is theorizing about,
though he does claim there is an agenda to redistribute wealth,
whilst the host claims the people have been brainwashed,
and says it's a very well manufactured scam, that's been engineered for nefarious ends
and claims there are well orchestrated puppets
in place.
You have to read the Weatheraction page to find out why he thinks Brian Cox is a conspiracy theorist (Corbyn's emphasis).
Piers says: This vid exposes explicit lies on observed science by Brian Cox the Climate Conspiracy theorist who supports the man-made Climate Change (conspiracy) theory. This requires that CO2 controls world temperatures - the opposite of fact - and that Man's CO2 (4% of total CO2 flux) dominates nature (96% of CO2 flux). The required unknown mechanism whereby termites and other natural producers of CO2 follow Man's production is a conspiracy theory of nature more crazy than any conspiracy theory ever cooked-up. If anyone knows a conspiracy theory more insane we would like to hear it!
Indeed, I'm struggling to think of a more insane theory!
The conspiracy Piers is accusing Brian Cox of theorizing about would appear to be
The required unknown mechanism whereby termites and other natural producers of CO2 follow Man's production ...
(always with the termites!).
My guess at what Piers is trying to say here is that it requires a conspiracy of nature to increase its CO2 emissions in line with human emissions.
But elsewhere Corbyn has made similar absurd arguments with contradictory claims.
2. That even if this were true Man's only 4% contribution of total CO2/ 'greenhouse' gases dominates and nature's 96% conspires that all other CO2 etc from termites (10x that of Man), volcanoes, rotting plants, cow-fart etc stay constant as a whole, leaving Man's 4% in charge.
So the conspiracy is either that natural CO2 emissions follow
human emissions, or stay constant
All of this is based on the assumption that for humans to have caused the rise in atmospheric CO2
it is necessary for our 4% of emissions to dominate
natures 96%.
In the real world none of this is true. An increase in emissions of 4% is all that is required to produce the observed rise in atmospheric CO2, and you do not need a conspiracy to explain why natural emissions remain more or less constant whilst human emissions increase.
The Science Bit
To put some figures on this, I'll refer to the latest IPCC report - (WG1 AR5, Chapter 6), (all figures expressed as gigatons (Gt) of CO2).
- Current human emissions are 32.6 Gt per year. (Fossil Fuels and Cement 28.6 Gt, Land Usage 4 Gt).
- Natural emissions total 728.5 Gt per year. (Oceans 287.7 Gt, Freshwater 3.7 Gt, Respiration and Fire 435.6 Gt, Volcanoes 0.4 Gt, Rock Weathering 1.1 Gt)
- Hence humans are responsible for 4.3% of all CO2 emissions (as admitted by Corbyn).
- Atmospheric CO2 has increased from around 2160 Gt to 3040 Gt since the Industrial Era, a rise of 880 ± 37 Gt. It's this 880 Gt we are concerned with.
- At the current rate it would have taken humans 27 years to account for all of the rise in atmospheric CO2.
- The IPCC estimates that total human emissions of CO2 over the Industrial Era (since 1750) are 1376 ± 110 Gt.
- Hence humans have emitted more than enough to account for all the rise in atmospheric CO2.
- The carbon emitted by humans that is not currently in the atmosphere is mostly residing in the oceans. According to the IPCC CO2 in the Oceans has increased by 569 ± 110 Gt.
The bottom line of is there's no need to invoke any magical conspiracy to explain the rise in CO2. On the contrary, if Piers Corbyn thinks the rise of CO2 is not caused by human activity, he needs to explain where all the CO2 he admits humans have released has gone to. He then needs to explain where the observed extra CO2 in the atmosphere has come from.
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