Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Temperature Updates for September - GISS

No September update from RSS yet, which is unusual as satellite data usually gets updated in the first few days of the month, and the old RSS 3.3 was updated a couple of weeks ago. In the mean time we now have the first of the surface data released for September.

NASA's GISTEMP shows an anomaly of 0.8°C for September 2017 (compared with the base period of 1951 - 1980).

This is down by 0.04°C from August, and is the 4th warmest September in the record. The last 5 Septembers have been the 5 warmest Septembers on record.

The average for the year to date is now 0.909°C, compared to 0.923°C in August.


My forecast 2017 is now 0.901 ± 0.054°C, compared with the forecast for data up to August of 0.906 ± 0.069°C.

It continues to look more likely that 2017 will be the 2nd warmest in the GISS record, but 3rd is still a distinct possibility.

Rank Year Anomaly Probability Change
1 2016 0.99 0.12% -0.97%
2 2015 0.87 88.15% +3.63%
3 2014 0.73 11.73% -2.65%

As always this forecast is based entirely on a simple statistical analysis of past years. In particular it does not take into account the possibility of a La Niña forming in the final months. Given forecasts that there is a reasonable likelyhood (55%-65%) of a La Niña forming soon, the probability of 2017 finishing 3rd warmest are going to be higher than my model suggests.

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