Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Temperature Update - April 2018, GISTEMP

Quick update, as I'm pressed for time and have a few more interesting post in the works.

The Goddard Institute for Space Studies have released the update for their GISTEMP data set. April 2018 was 0.86°C above the 1951-1980 base period. Only slightly down on last month's 0.88°C. This makes 2018 the 3rd warmest April in the data set, with the last 3 years being the three warmest Aprils on record.

This continues the general theme of temperatures being very close to the linear trend since 1970.

The average for the first 4 months of 2018 is 0.823°C.


My statistical prediction for 2018 is now 0.801 ± 0.106°C. This is slightly up on the prediction based on last month's prediction of 0.792 ± 0.116°C.

The confidence that GISTEMP will finish in that big gap between 2014 and 2015 continues to grow, with an estimated 77% chance of 2018 being the 4th warmest. It's very unlikely that it will finish below 7th place or that it will be the warmest, but there's still a rather improbable 5% chance of finishing 2nd.

GISTEMP Probabilities of Ranking for 2018
Rank Year Anomaly Probability Cumulative
1 2016 0.98 0.07% 0.07%
2 2017 0.89 5.38% 5.45%
3 2015 0.86 9.12% 14.57%
4 2014 0.73 77.12% 91.70%
5 2010 0.69 5.93% 97.63%
6 2005 0.66 1.78% 99.41%
7 2013 0.64 0.43% 99.83%
8 2007 0.63 0.04% 99.87%
9 2009 0.63 0.01% 99.88%
10 1998 0.62 0.06% 99.94%
11 2002 0.62 0.01% 99.95%
12 2006 0.61 0.02% 99.96%
14 2003 0.6 0.01% 99.97%
15 2011 0.57 0.02% 100.00%

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