Monday, 18 June 2018

Temperature Update - May 2018, GISTEMP

The Goddard Institute for Space Studies have released the update for their GISTEMP data set. May 2018 was 0.82°C above the 1951-1980 base period. This makes 2018 the 4th warmest May in the data set, with the last 5 Mays being the warmest on record.

This continues the general pattern of 2018 being close to the long term trend.

The average for the first 5 months of 2018 is 0.828°C.


My statistical prediction for 2018 is now 0.817 ± 0.100°C. There is little difference to the prediction based on last month's data of 0.811 ± 0.107°C.

The probability of 2018 finishing in 4th place increases to approaching 80%, with less than 5% chance that it will finish below 4th. 2nd or 3rd place is still possible.

Rank Year Anomaly Probability Cumulative
1 2016 0.99 0.05% 0.05%
2 2017 0.89 6.57% 6.63%
3 2015 0.87 9.60% 16.23%
4 2014 0.73 78.65% 94.88%
5 2010 0.7 4.10% 98.98%
6 2005 0.67 0.75% 99.73%
7 2013 0.64 0.21% 99.94%
8 2007 0.64 0.02% 99.96%
9 2009 0.64 0.01% 99.97%
10 2002 0.62 0.02% 99.98%

Here's how the prediction has changed over the year.

There's been very little change in the central prediction so far. This is really a consequence of the start of the year being so close to the trend. At the start of the year it seemed likely that temperatures would fall of as a La Niña developed, but that probability has faded and there's even now the possibility of another El Niño developing later in the year.

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